Weekend Update

Foxy New Year, Part 1

Hello, it’s Sunday Fun-day!!

This weekend, I put words to action and…bah bah bahhhhhhhhhhh 🎶 …organized! We’ve been chatting a lot about how to inspire creativity. One of my methods is to make my workspace available for creativity when I’m motivated, and inspire creativity when I’m not.

Taking my own advice means action, lots of action. Know that song, “All I do is win, win, win, no matter what…”? (Whether or not you do, check out this epic lip sync cover of it by Emma Stone.) I changed it to my theme song for this weekend, which is, “All I do is do, do, do, no matter what…” 🎶 Oh wait. Wait a minute. Wait right there. Stop singing that. I just sang it out loud and OMG GROSS. 😂

In other words, we took so much action, I’m toast! 🍞 We transformed the garage, I cleaned my studio, and organized my painting supplies. I’ll be posting photos to my instagram stories this week, so follow me to catch the action! Now I feel geared up and ready for a foxy week. But first, a shower and some gelato will finish off the full weekend quite nicely.

What did you get up to this weekend? Fun is foxy too, you know! Wellbeing fuels creativity, so do more, love more, live more.

That’s it for this week! Short and sweet. See you soon, my friends.

Three cheers for my lovely foxes,

Merrifox Signature - transparent.png
Let’s do what we love and do a lot of it.
— Marc Jacobs

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